Thursday, April 19

design savvy?

Jess at "How about orange..." always finds the best quizzes; love how you label them as 'timewasters' hehe. I took this one, and here was my result:

Rising Star: You really know your stuff, and should definitely consider pursuing your dream of becoming a designer! If you aren't already in design school, enroll as soon as you can and prepare to wow your profs with your impressive know-how. But don't ever get cocky-the world of design is ever changing, and budding designers need to stay on their toes at all times by studying, interning and working incredibly hard. Continue to devour as much design information as you can, and upon graduation, seek a mentor who can nurture your talent and help build your knowledge and experience base. Even Brian Gluckstein had to start somewhere, so keep the faith if the going gets tough!

Keepin' the faith in the ever-changing world! Also, staying creative on a daily basis; thanks to all my lovely blogger friends I have made. Have a happy and creative day!
xo Jamie

PS - Thanks Jess! :)

[image HGTV]


Jessica Jones said...

Congrats on the coveted Rising Star status, Jamie. :) If I were really a rising star, though, I'd probably know who Brian Gluckstein is. Not a clue. Do you know?

Anonymous said...

Jess - Yes, I do know who he is! He is an Interior Designer in Toronto (an hour away from me) he owns Gluckstein Design Planning Inc. and is highly recognizable from his appearances on CityLine and HGTV’s House & Home.

Here's more info: