Monday, May 28

the kid's bathroom

About a month ago I posted a taste of Sarah Richardson's new show Sarah's House which airs on HGTV. What I liked about this particular episode, Sarah explains in great detail the challenges of designing and decorating a kids-only bathroom. Her tip I admire is: go kid-friendly without being juvenile; meaning buy items that will grow with your child, as oposed to buying 'kids only' items.

Click here for more hints and tips on the kid's bathroom from Sarah.

[images HGTV]


drey said...

do u know anyone who has been recording these episodes???? i'd LOVE to get my hands on them . pllllleassssseeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Drey - I did a little searching on the website; here is what I found in the FAQ section:

design inc.
Please contact to submit a question or comment about the show.

Hope this helps!

drey said...

hehe i contacted them back in march since i was about to leave canada and head back to australia after a three month visit to toronto. i became quickly addicted with Design Inc.

long and short of it, they don't record onto DVDs. only VCR (seems quite antiquated if you ask me) and they don't sell episodes in bulk. just specific episodes. i wish they would release them in bulk.

no one TIVO-ed it? :P

i found TV there very accurate in terms of start-and-end-times. MCE would be reliable to record the episodes too. in Australia it's rather annoyingly unreliable.

i soooo want to see the episodes of Sarah House!