Monday, August 20

around the house...

milk jug with house painted on it

more detail...

picture of house taken tonite

This is where we live right now (see last pic) with Hunny's Mum and Dad. The first pic is an old milk can with a picture of the house (see last pic) painted on the front. The big apple tree is kind of in the way of the house...

The middle picture shows more detail. I think the artist did a fabulous job creating the painting from just a mere photo! The detail on the cobblestone is beautiful :)


Hyla said...

Wow that is really nice!

Ginger said...

How unique! What a treasure to have.

Anonymous said...

Hi, you have a very nice blog here. I love the fish bowl, and your little weenie dog mascot. Too cute!

Krazy Kate Designs said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful house you have.

Jamie said...

thanks for the kind words everyone!

felicia, i wish it was ours! it's my other half's parents...*sigh*

Michelle said...

What a nice place. Thanks for your support on my move :)